Taking on the Backseat of Me :)

Maybe because most of my life people kept on placing me as/on pedelstals that right now I find myself relaxing in backseat of the worlds affairs...
Its quite great when you get to do things at your own pace and deadlines are really not that of a pressure to your time frame.

You pretty much get the entire day for yourself: you get to sit an hour or two before doing your paperwork, you can cook all the good recipes you want and enjoy the meal with the entire family, and most of all you get to play the piano and delve your art boxes whenever you want.

Its good to slack a little from taking notable responsibilities and just do your thing behind walls, inside you labyrinth of You. It feels great to just not be noticed nor criticized by the crowd as long as you stick in your great stuff. 

The words affairs have been pretty much focused on vanity, politics, fleeting pleasures and worse lowlife entertainment. What do I care, let them be. I'm a non citizen dwelling in wherever my frame of t thought brings me. I listen and thrive in the eclectic, in the adventurous, in the dangerous, in the dark unknown and in the world were passion and humility are the boots and cloak.

Who cares if I got to see 100 fireflies in midst of a blackout, floating like fallen stardusts? Or perhaps i created portals to travel from Middle Earth, Narnia, Asteroid B-612, Outerspace and back home? Nobody. See how great that seems how you can do just what you want without anyone scolding or mocking you.

See that's just how I'm totally enjoying my being free from major responsibilities. I've never been much alive than now, all my life. :)

C'est la vie!!! :)))


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